LAMPE & SCHWARTZE GROUP More than 165 years of exploring new horizons
As a higly efficient group of companies, it is our mission to protect our clients in a global economy by means of sustainable coverage concepts—also and in particular in light of the growing risks that can only be borne by strong, experienced insurers.
Our strength is based in our history. Our founders knew their professions like the back of their hand. This history was the basis for an exceptional professional expertise that far exceeds the standards in our industry. The companies in our group employ engineers, business economists, captains, legal experts, computer scientists and insurance experts who contribute to an enormous pool of knowledge. In virtually any industry, anywhere in the world.
The origins of the Lampe & Schwartze Group can be traced back to 1858: A group of merchants from Bremen who used their own resources to insure seagoing vessels and their cargo founded the company Lampe & Schierenbeck. 165 years later, the small, private risk carrier for maritime insurance has become a major player on the insurance market. Today, our group of companies has more than 300 employees, making it one of the ten biggest medium-sized, owner-operated insurance brokers in Germany. We offer complex risk management and insurance solutions for both local and global companies—from medium-sized car dealers to major shipping companies and multinational offshore wind farms. We provide multidisciplinary expertise and services in a wide range of industries, which makes us a highly reliable partner for companies, insurance brokers and insurers.
Still, we remain true to our origins: We think and act as members of the Hanseatic League. Our work is characterised by open-mindedness, willingness to help, innovation and diligence. Partner-managed, our business aims at establishing long-term relationships.
Members of the management

Matthias Böhm
seit 2018

Dr. Constantin Fahr
seit 2023

André Grobien
seit 1995

Thomas Haukje
seit 2010

Arne Klarmann
seit 2013

Dr. Patrick Wendisch
seit 1987
In the middle of the 19th century, the Hanseatic cities were in an optimistic mood: Large shipping companies were being founded, and trading with far-away countries began. We were there from the start: Our founders have been underwriting international transport insurance from Bremen since 1858. At their own risk and expense.
True to the Hanseatic tradition, we have always been purposeful, down-to-earth, and diligent in developing our business. We have always managed it with a sure instinct for the market, and systematically expanded it to include property insurances for industry and commerce sind 1928.
When the two owner-operated companies Lampe & Schierenbeck and Buse & Schwartze merged in 1998, we were able to significantly strengthen our position in the market. Since then, Lampe & Schwartze has continued to grow, continuously expanding its activities to include new areas, and becoming a highly efficient group of companies with extraordinary know-how in complex risk situations.

Expansion of the Services division through the founding of Lampe & Schwartze Risk Management GmbH
150th company anniversary! In 2008, Lampe & Schwartze underwrites authorised risks for more than 30 European insurance companies. Furthermore, the company is the main authorised representative, i.e. as officially designated branch office for Germany, for two major European specialist insurers.
Expansion of the broking division by founding the insurance broker Nordwest Assekuranzmakler GmbH & Co. KG, which quickly became a trusted insurance broker for the industry. The company's areas of expertise include a wide variety of industries, such as construction, logistics, paper, and in particular renewable energies, where Nordwest Assekuranzmakler GmbH & Co. KG has become the leading provider of risk management and insurance solutions.
Reinforcement of Zeichnungsstelle Bremen: Transfer of the portfolio of Northern Assurance to Condor Allgemeine Versicherungs-AG, and management of the portfolio by the subsidiary Zeichnungsstelle Bremen
Acquisition of the old-established insurance company Bartels & Lüth
Merger to form Lampe & Schwartze KG: The two companies Lampe & Schierenbeck and Buse & Schwartze merge to form Lampe & Schwartze KG, which becomes one of the leading German insurance companies in Germany. "A perfect fit!"
Next Generation in the Enge family: Hans-Christoph Enge succeeds his father as general partner in the management of Lampe & Schierenbeck.
Next generation in the Wendisch family: Dr. Patrick Wendisch succeeds his father as shareholder and general partner of Lampe & Schierenbeck.
Friedel Wendisch, at the company since 1957, becomes general partner in addition to Dr. Hans-Joachim Enge. The company now has three divisions: Transport insurance, Underwriting Management Northern Assurance Company and insurance broker / non-exclusive agent.
Dr. jur. Hans-Joachim Enge, previously lecturer at Deutsche Versicherungsakademie and author of various textbooks in the field of transport insurance law, joins the company as a partner. Increased expansion of the transport business, in particular the maritime insurance division.
A ground-breaking collaboration begins: Georg Lampe becomes the main representative for Germany for one of the biggest English insurance companies.
After the War: Wilhelm Schierenbeck and Georg Lampe rebuild the transport branch. As Germany and Europe are being rebuilt, the company expands to include industrial and technical insurances for factories, power plants, oil refineries and construction projects in Germany and abroad.
Georg Friedrich Lampe becomes co-owner and sets up the property insurance and surveyor business in addition to the transport insurance business, insuring both shipyards in Bremen and companies from the aviation and tobacco industries.
Next generation and new management: The sons of the family, Friedrich Christian and C. J. Wilhelm Schierenbeck, become partners and take over the management of the company. Involvement in the board of Verein Bremer Seeversicherer (Association of Maritime Insurers in Bremen), Deutscher Transportversicherungsverband (German Transport Insurance Association) and Germanischer Lloyd.
Start of an important phase in the development: Authorised representatives Johann Friedrich Lampe and Friedrich Wilhelm Schierenbeck join the company and name it after themselves in 1906.
Start of an important collaboration: An agency agreement is concluded with Allianz.
Change of the name of the company to Louis A. Murtfeldt, Wilhelm's son, who is the company's sole owner and manager until 1903. As the risks to be underwritten increase, mutual insurance companies act as investors, and mandates as underwriting agent give the company extensive underwriting powers.
Expansion to other business areas: In addition to maritime insurance, other segments are included; Murtfeldt's company starts acting as surveyor.
Wilhelm Murtfeldt founds an insurance brokerage company under his name in Bremen on 10 June 1858. Its focus is on maritime insurance.
Next generation in the Grobien family: André Grobien joins the management as general partner.
Buse & Schwartze develop a new core area of activity in the food and luxury food industries—primarily in South America. In addition, the company acts as surveyor for a large number of international clients.
Werner Haase, long-term authorised representative of the company, becomes general partner.
Michael Grobien (Senior) joins the management as general partner.
Expansion of the business activity to include the surveyor business
Next generation in the Schwartze family: Herbert Schwartze becomes general partner.
Albrecht Wandel joins the management and becomes general partner.
As one of the founders and member of the management board, Rudolf Schwartze establishes Securitas VAG as one of the leading transport insurers in the 1920s and 30s. The registered office is in Berlin.
Heinrich Löffler joins the company as partner. Thanks to him, the highly renowned transport insurance company UNION in Stettin (later renamed Nordstern, now AXA) is recruited as agent.
Foundation of the company Buse & Schwartze by Diedrich Buse and Rudolf Schwartze in Bremen on 1 July 1908
The Lampe & Schwartze Group is divided into three business segments: Underwriting, Broking and Services.
The companies that work in each of these segments provide comprehensive insurance solutions, services, and a risk management that goes far beyond the usual standards.