Legal Disclosure
The following information (Legal Disclosure) is required under German law.
Lampe & Schwartze KG
Herrlichkeit 5 – 6, 28199 Bremen, Germany
Phone +49 421 5907-01
Fax +49 421 5907-139
Authorised Representatives/Managing Partners (General Partners)
André Grobien
Thomas Haukje
Arne Klarmann
Commercial Register
District Court Bremen, HRA 21643
VAT No. in accordance with Section § 27a of the German VAT Act
DE 198366748
Insurance Tax Number
Legal Entity Identifier
Information in accordance with Section 15 VersVermV
Since Lampe & Schwartze KG is a business partnership, the individual managing partners rather than the company itself are registered as licenced parties with the Bremen Chamber of Commerce. The registration numbers are as follows:
André Grobien: D-AKL9-TNHS4-54
Thomas Haukje: D-2LX0-8YPJN-30
Arne Klarmann: D-NHPZ-RRWVC-20
The licence pursuant to Section 34d para. 1 German Industrial Code (GewO) (insurance agents) is individually issued by the Bremen Chamber of Commerce.
Handelskammer Bremen
Am Markt 13, 28195 Bremen, Germany
Registration Office
Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK) e. V.
Breite Straße 29, 10178 Berlin, Germany
Phone +49 180 600585-0 (0,20 EUR/call)
Conciliation Body for Extrajudicial Settlements
Pursuant to Section 17 (4) VersVermV, we are obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before the following consumer arbitration boards:
- Versicherungsombudsmann e. V.
Postfach 080632, 10006 Berlin, Germany
www.versicherungsombudsmann.de - Ombudsmann für die private Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung
Postfach 060222, 10052 Berlin, Germany
Professional Regulations
- Section 34d Gewerbeordnung (GewO)
- Sections 59-68 Versicherungsvertragsgesetz (VVG)
- Section 48b Versicherungsaufsichtsgesetz (VAG)
- Verordnung über die Versicherungsvermittlung und -beratung (VersVermV)
The professional regulations can be viewed and downloaded here.
Complaint Management
In accordance with Section 17 VersVermV, we have set up a system for handling complaints. If you wish to make a complaint to us, please send it to beschwerde@lampe-schwartze.de or Lampe & Schwartze KG, Mr Arne Klarmann, Herrlichkeit 5 – 6, 28199 Bremen, Germany.